Product Overview

Table of Contents

Amadeus API
The Amadeus API is a development tool that enables a company to program customized client applications that interface to the Amadeus Global Distribution System.

Both Amadeus internal applications and customer applications use the Amadeus API.

Sample Client Applications

  • Booking Engines for Travel Service Providers (Tour Operators, Cruise companies, Consolidators, etc.)
  • Booking Engines for Corporations
  • Third party robotics and quality assurance tools
  • Third party servers for direct distribution (e.g. Internet, videotext, Audiotex, etc.)
  • Front Office Applications for Multinational travel agency chains

Amadeus applications

  • Amadeus Web Server
  • Amadeus Quality Assurance products (e.g. Fare Assurance, Seat Assurance, Waitlist Assurance, etc.)


The Amadeus API is not a 'ready-to-use' product, but requires software development on the client side. The API package is therefore a 'toolkit' for client developers on which to build their own application.

It is easy to set up on the customer side, requiring the support of industry standard communication protocols and off-the-shelf software.

It is stable. The client package will be compatible with future versions of the Amadeus API software.

It offers a straightforward programming environment for software developers and is easy to install and use.

It eliminates the need for screen parsing by providing the client application with structured data.

It is safe to use because of secure internet communication protocols.

A built-in online remote trace facility is provided for easier problem recognition and resolution.

The API is available on:  supported platforms  

The Developer Assistance Program team (DAP) is available to help with all API questions.


Before the Amadeus API

Before the Amadeus API, the access methods to the Amadeus System that were offered to customers were limited to:
  • Cryptic entry based Terminal Access, for end user terminals and external systems.
  • Provider Access based on EDIFACT structured messages, full EDIFACT for external systems containing structured data, or screen flow (pseudo-EDIFACT).
Although widely used, these types of interfaces have some limitations:
  • Terminal Access:

    The customer's program must encode cryptic Amadeus entries (e.g. AN20DECNCENYC), send these to the Amadeus System, and then parse the screen display which is returned by Amadeus.

    Terminals access can be done over IATA Host-To-Host, SNA, OSI, or ALC. Under this technology, the developer has to adapt the application each time the entry format or the display is changed on the Amadeus System.

  • Access based on structured messages:

    The messages exchanged between the customer's application and the Amadeus System are structured or semi-structured, and therefore easier to encode/decode.

    However, this access method does not cover 100% of the Amadeus functionality.

    Also, the customer needs to implement an EDIFACT handler over a given communication protocol and network (IATA Host-To-Host transaction series control/AX.25, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, IATA Host-To-Host standalone/AX.25, LU6.2/X.25 or SNA-SDLC).


With the Amadeus API

Using an API as an access method, the customer application invokes a function call.

The answer from the Amadeus API is structured, each element describing the information received.

There are numerous benefits to this technology, including:

  • Easing and minimizing the development work for the customer, thus minimizing the cost.
  • Minimal maintenance effort for the customer through greater flexibility and stability of the interface to the Amadeus System.
  • A quicker response to customer specific needs and functional requirements
  • The possibility of easily finding developers having the necessary skills for using the market standards.


The Amadeus API is designed to support connections over various networks on multiple Operating Systems.

The client system can communicate with the Amadeus System through the Amadeus API using the standard TCP/IP transportation protocol.

 Client Application

The Amadeus API is available on Both Microsoft Windows and Unix® operating systems.

The Amadeus API library is available in different, functionally equivalent, flavors:

  • The XML-C flavor - A cross platform version, made of ANSI C function calls and XML exchange structures
  • The C-Container flavor - A cross platform version, made of ANSI C function calls and C-Container exchange structures
  • The XML-Com flavor - A Microsoft Windows only version, made of COM interfaces, methods and XML exchange structures

None of these versions require specific configuration. The deliverables provided to the customer, referred to as the API Client Software Pack, are composed of:

  • a client library,
  • C-header files to be included in the client application for compilation,
  • a URL to have access to the online documentation.

This Client Software Pack can be provided on CD-ROM, or by downloading it from the Amadeus FTP Web site.
New software will be distributed in the following ways: a maximum of 2 major releases per year (functional changes), and a maximum of 3 minor releases annually (technical changes).


The Amadeus API works with a Multi-Tier Architecture( Local User or Server Implementation ).
Example :


The API Client Proxy

The API Client proxy is a dynamic link library, that exposes the set of Amadeus API functions or XML transactions to the Client application.

The proxy:

  • marshalls the query parameters given by the Client application,
  • issues a transaction query to the second tier,
  • receives the reply,
  • unmarshalls this reply into the reply parameters returned to the Client application.

The proxy manages the transaction with the Amadeus hosts through the usage of a conversation handle provided by the Client application on every proxy function call. This conversation handle is created by the proxy when the Client application opens a conversation. The Transport layer between the proxy and the second tier is TCP/IP.

The API Gateway

The API Gateway is used for authentication, tracing, routing and presentation layer conversation.

  • It identifies API Clients and applies security checks to secure the Amadeus Host traffic.
  • It customizes the proxy behavior based on the API Client identity.
  • It logs API transactions for statistics and billing purpose.
  • It routes Clients transactions to the appropriate Amadeus Hosts servers.
  • It converts Clients transactions into a format understandable by the Amadeus Hosts.

The Amadeus Reservation Systems

The third tier is distributed into various platform versions application servers, containing either statefull (TPF) or stateless (OBEs) applications


The number of functions currently provided through the Amadeus API is 157, which represents approximately 90% of the total functionality available in the Amadeus System. Please see for a complete list of the function calls available.

The functionality currently provided will be enhanced to cover more of the options offered by Amadeus System and may also be extended to cover specific customer needs.


The Amadeus API is a development tool that allows to connect external systems (Client Applications) to the Amadeus System. It allows these applications to mix CRS information and actions with non-CRS or private processing flow, either in batch or interactive mode.

The use of the Amadeus API is especially recommended in the two following situations:

1) For automating the customer process: The client application executes sequences of calls to the Amadeus API, for example to perform quality control on Amadeus PNRs, or to book flights or hotels, following a processing logic specific to the customer.

2) For extending the customer's front-office applications to include CRS information and actions.

ALCAirlines Line Control
APIApplication Programming Interface
CRSComputer Reservation System
DAPDeveloper Assistance Program
DLLDynamic Link Library
EDIFACTElectronic Data Interface For Administration, Commerce and Trade
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
LU6.2Logical Unit Type 6.2 (IBM Communication Protocol)
NMC National Marketing Company
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
SDLCSynchronous Data Link Control
SNA System Network Architecture
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
UDP/IPUser Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol
URL Universal Resource Locator